NAPLES 17-19 October 2022
About AMYC-BIOMED 2022...3rd Edition!

The "Autumn Meeting for Young Chemists in Biomedical Sciences" is one of the scientific initiative by the young researchers from the Department of Pharmacy (Department of Excellence 2018-2022) of the University of Naples Federico II.
This international symposium gathers young scientists under-40 from Academic and Public Institutions as well as Industry across different countries and closely interested in research related to biomedical sciences.
Initially conceived in 2020 as a symposium at the Department of Pharmacy, with the COVID-19 pandemic it was re-thought as a virtual meeting to "break the distancing" and allow the sharing of ideas among young researchers as well as taking a leaf out of established scientists experience.
With the AMYC-BIOMED 2022 edition we want to get our mission one step further and bring our scientific community here in Naples to boost the networking and trigger an impactful brainstorm. Meeting by person will be the occasion to thank our former attendants and meet new talented scientists to bring their research to the forefront while surrounded by Naples bay beauty.
AMYC-BIOMED 2022 will be a completely blended conference, where each session will include scientists with different background in order to reach our main goal: CONTAMINATION OF IDEAS FOR A BETTER SCIENCE!
Topics of interest are: Analytical Chemistry, Sensors, Bioengineering, Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Technologies, Computational Chemistry... everything applied to the biomedical field!